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- “45 Ways to Get Smart” Educational Chart
- “Impossible Event” in Cognitive Development
- 3D Molecular Models of Hydrocarbon Compounds
- 3D path projected onto three 2D planes
- 3D solid with hue function.
- 3D sombrero surface treatments.
- 3D surface of Cos(x) Cos(y).
- 3D Surface Plot of a Mathematical Function: Complex Curvature
- 3D surface with mesh, hue function
- 3D surface with mesh, two shades and specular highlights
- 3D Tube Model of Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)
- A point, and trace curves projected onto a 3D surface.
- A solid of revolution construction
- About
- Actin filament dynamics with profilin, cofilin, and thymosin
- Algebra problems of intersecting lines and two lines cut by a transverse
- Algebra situational word problem with TI-83 graphing calculator
- Allocation of Managerial Roles Across Different Levels
- An area expressed as the sum of parts.
- Anatomical illustration of kidneys, ureters, and bladder in female torso
- Anatomical Planes of the Human Body
- Anatomical structure of the cerebellum and brainstem, including midbrain, pons, and medulla
- Angle measurement of the height of a sign
- Archimedes’ Eureka Bathtub Moment 3D Rendered Art
- Area of a polygon shaped stone surrounded by carpet
- Area under the curve as progressive shaded regions
- Areas of Teacher Competence and Instructional Decision-Making Flowchart
- Balancing Act of a Waiter Painterly Illustration
- Billiards Collision Analysis with Force Diagram
- Biological Sciences Gallery
- Blastocyst implantation in the uterus wall
- Boiling Process in a Beaker with Molecular Transition Between Liquid and Gas Phases
- Book Production Workflow Diagram
- Brain anatomy with cerebral lobes, brainstem, and limbic system structures
- Breakdown of Federal Revenue Sources
- Breakdown of Parenthood Expenses
- Breakfast Menu with Clock Color Illustration
- Bunsen and Teclu Laboratory Gas Burner Illustration
- Business Presentation on Trends Illustration
- Calculating the area between curves.
- Calculating the area under a curve by subinterval construction
- Calculating the volume capacity of a rental moving truck
- Calculator screen pixel for pixel depicting Riemann sums
- Calculus Gallery
- Calories Burned by Swimming for 10 Minutes Based on Body Weight Line Chart
- Carbon Cycle and Environmental Interactions.
- Carbon Exchange in Marine Environments and Geological Deposits
- Cartoon of Germs Spreading Through Food Contact
- Cell adhesion and molecular recognition with bacteria and virus.
- Chart of Psycho-Spiritual and Biological Foundations
- Chemical Composition of Earth’s Layers
- Chemistry Gallery
- Child Molding and Crafting with Clay Diagram
- Citric Acid Cycle: Overview of Key Reactions and Intermediates
- Classic Dartboard for Mathematical Probability and Geometry Teaching
- Cohesin complex structure and chromatin loop formation for transcription regulation
- Color Copier Office Setting Art
- Colorful Numbers Illustration
- Community Map of Riverwood Town Illustration
- Comparative Femur Length of Tyrannosaurus Rex and Human
- Comparative Models of Methyl, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Alkyl Halides in SN2 Reactions
- Conceptual Illustration of Earth’s Weight Measurement
- Conic sections create circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola
- Construction of a solid of revolution of the area under a curve in shells.
- Contact
- Context-Dependent Memory Recall with Different Environmental Contexts
- Continuous area under the curve as painted with a roller
- Contour map of 3D surface.
- Contour map of a steep hill 3D surface
- Conversational Practice in Portuguese
- Coordinate on a spherical surface
- Cross-Section of a Thunderstorm: Airflow and Temperature Profile
- Cross-section of the Human Ear
- Cross-section of the Human Eye
- Cubic curve transformation, reflected through y = x
- Curve created by docking rowboat word problem
- Delta changes in the slope of the tangent
- Demonstration of Angular Momentum with a Spinning Wheel
- Depiction of Neural Response Pathway
- Diagram of a Sailboat with Spinnaker
- Diagram of paths and sites around town
- Digestion, absorption, and metabolism of dietary fats with triglyceride breakdown and transport
- Distillation Apparatus for Separating Liquids by Boiling Point
- Distributed Load Analysis of a Structural Beam
- Distribution of Permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere
- Distribution of Radio Station Formats by Percentage of Stations
- Distribution of the Hispanic Population in the U.S. (2000)
- DNA double helix structure with labeled nucleotide base pairs
- Drug Use Among Teens Survey Chart.
- Earth’s Climate System Interactions
- Earth’s Energy Distribution from Solar Radiation
- Earth’s Magnetic Field and Compass Behavior
- Earth’s Magnetic Field and the Van Allen Belts
- Eclipsing and Angle Strain in Cyclopropane Molecule
- Economic Analysis of Production and Price Floors
- Economic Models for Market Dynamics and Externalities
- Economics Graphs Illustrating Productivity and Market Equilibrium
- Educational Attainment Distribution Pie Chart
- Effects of Deforestation on Runoff and Erosion
- Electroplating Process Diagram for Chemistry Education
- Elementary Writing Practice and Conceptual Diagram Worksheet
- Elementary, High School Gallery
- Ellipsoid construction with 3D traces
- Energy conversion diagram of an internal combustion automobile
- Energy Transformation and Work Diagrams for Lifting Objects
- EPA Map of Radon Zones in the United States
- Ethane Molecular Structure and Orbital Interaction Diagram
- European Trade Routes in the 15th and 16th Centuries
- Experimental Setup for Generating Waves in a String
- Farm Output Index and Carbon Tax Impact on Energy Pricing.
- Fields surrounding u and v.
- Fitting curves to Sin(x).
- Fitting three polynomials to a Ferrari 456
- Flask with Chromate and Dichromate Ions Laboratory 3D Render
- Flowchart for Toothpaste Application Process
- Force Analysis of a Brick on an Inclined Plane
- Formation of enzyme-substrate complex and product release
- Four petals and trig function in an envelope on grids
- Fractal generation process and the Koch snowflake
- Free falling rate word problem
- Full anatomical illustration of the human skeleton
- Function of x on a background grid
- Gabriel’s horn, the solid of rotation of 1/x about x-axis
- Gas Cylinders and Balloons Filled with Different Gases
- Geology Gallery
- Global Ocean Currents and Heat Transfer
- Global Plate Tectonics and Boundary Movements
- Global Wind Patterns and Atmospheric Circulation
- Graduated Cylinders for Liquid Measurement in Laboratory Settings
- Graphical Analysis of Functions and Inequalities on a Cartesian Plane
- Graphing calculator approaches to the circle
- Graphing calculator hp 48SX and a color fractal
- Groundwater Movement and Chemical Composition Changes in Soil Layers
- Groundwater Movement and Erosion in Karst Topography
- Hemoglobin Protein Structure with Bound Heme Group
- Historical Barber-Surgeon Sign: Algebrista Sangrador
- Historical U.S. Interest Rates and Federal Reserve Chairmen
- Human Eye Tear Gland and Duct Anatomy
- Human Heart and Coronary Artery Stent Cross-section
- Hurricane Path and Angular Measurement in North Carolina Map
- Hyperboloid of one sheet with 3D traces.
- Hyperboloids of one and two sheets with 3D traces.
- Hyperboloids; one sheet, cone, two sheets, and composite
- Ideal Gas Law Illustrated with a Barbecue Grill
- Infrared Spectra of Alcohols and Cholesterol
- Ingrid Hoffman Magazine Feature
- Intermolecular Forces: Ion-Ion, Dipole-Dipole, and London Forces
- Interpersonal Communication Concepts in Spanish Classroom Poster
- Intersection of a paraboloid and hemisphere.
- Intro to Philosophy Notes Template
- Job Costing and Process Costing Flow Diagram
- Laboratory Equipment for Chemical Handling and Preparation
- Ladder against house and fence situational word problem
- Lamin A Protein 3D Model
- Lamin A Protein Structure Surface Model
- Lamin A Protein Structure with Beta Sheets and Loops
- Levels of Protein Structure: From Primary to Quaternary
- Lever Mechanics of a Loaded Wheelbarrow
- Lever Mechanics of the Human Arm 3D Render
- Lifeboat Hoisting Diagram with Forces and Angles
- Lifeguard Rescue Procedures Illustrated
- Limacon and r as a function of theta
- Linear graph of food sales with background image of table setting
- Local and global maximum and minimum points
- Local Area Network (LAN) Configuration with Firewall Illustration
- Lytic cycle of T4 bacteriophage infecting E. coli with DNA replication and release
- Man Wakeboarding on a Lake
- Management Process Diagrams
- Mannequin Poses Illustrating Various Concepts
- Mass Comparison of the Largest Types of Whales
- Mass of a parabolic thread
- Mathematics Gallery
- Maximizing satellite coverage of the Earth surface.
- Maximum and minimum “holes” on a 3D surface
- Measuring Hand Span and Head Circumference Diagram
- Measuring Hand Span from Fifth Digit to Thumb
- Micelle Formation in Aqueous Solution Illustration
- Microtubule dynamics with polymerization, critical concentration, and treadmilling
- Mineral distribution in the human body anatomical illustration
- Miners Extracting Data Cartoon Illustration
- Mississippi River Drainage Basin Map
- Mitochondrial protein import pathways with TOM and TIM complexes
- Mobius strip construction
- Molecular Geometry and Structure of Water (H₂O)
- Molecular Interaction Models: Na⁺, F⁻, and I⁻ Ions in Solution
- Molecular Models of Various Organic Compounds
- Molecular organization of telomeric DNA with nucleosome condensation
- Molecular Structure of Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)
- Molecular Structure of Ice Surface with Pure Water and Solution
- Myth or Truth: How Alcohol Affects the Body Health Poster in Spanish
- Natural log, e and exponential curve variations.
- Normal distribution curves and skewed variations
- Normal line to paraboloid tangent plane.
- Normal vectors to a hollow solid
- One color back of the book answer art with grids
- Opener art with Riemann boxes
- Orbital Cycles of Saturn’s Moons Over One Month
- Orbital Overlap and Bonding in Ethane
- Orientation in a Three-Dimensional Cartesian Coordinate System
- Overview of gel filtration and chromatography techniques for protein purification
- Pair of Skis and a Thermometer Art.
- Parabola and inequality shaded regions on grids
- Parabola with slope field.
- Parabolic trajectory of a basketball to hoop.
- Paraboloid with surface curve.
- Parametric equations and program for Wankel rotary engine
- Parkinson’s and schizophrenia human brain dopamine pathway cross-section
- Pathways of Radon Gas Entry into a House 3D Render
- Pedigree diagram showing genetic inheritance patterns in fruit flies
- Personal Assessment Radar Chart
- Perspective Views of Stacked Alphabet Blocks
- Photographer Discovers Unusual Rhinoceros on Beach Illustration
- Photosynthesis in a chloroplast with light-dependent reactions and Calvin cycle
- Photosynthesis process showing carbon dioxide, water absorption, oxygen release, and sugar production
- Physics Gallery
- Physics of Pool, Cue Ball and 9-Ball Collision Analysis
- Pirate on a Ship Deck with Hook and Peg Leg Illustration
- Plant Productivity Across Different Ecosystems
- Plotted graph of NARA electronic records in petabytes
- Popular Pairings with French Fries Infographic
- Privacy Policy
- Probability outcomes with cup, coins, and dice situational word problem
- Product Comparison Illustration
- Progressive fitting of a series of curves to a function
- Projectile Motion with Velocity Components and Impact Point
- Projecting 3D paths onto the xy plane.
- Proper Handwashing Technique for Hygiene
- Protein Structure Levels: From Primary to Quaternary
- Pulley System with Applied Force and Mass
- Pulley System with Hanging Masses
- Pyramid Stack of Cola Cans Demonstrating Square Numbers
- Rates of two airplanes in situational word problem.
- Religious Affiliation Distribution: Pie Chart Representation
- Render of animal cell structure with labeled organelles
- Render of visual prosthetic system with camera, CPU, and retinal implant
- Rhodopsin Activation and Structural Change Upon Photon Absorption
- RNA processing, mRNA export, and translation pathway with RNA polymerase II
- Rook Movement and Displacement on a Chessboard
- Rotational Dynamics of Spheres
- Sarcomere structure with actin, myosin filaments, and regulatory proteins
- Scientific Illustration Service
- Search
- Seashell structure with magnified microscopic layers showing calcium carbonate deposition
- Sequence of Events in Object Permanence Experiment
- Shaded region on grid and on graphing calculator window.
- Shuttle vector cloning process for yeast genomic library construction
- Similar triangles at the ancient lighthouse at Alexandria
- Similar triangles with tree, birdhouse, and shadow situational word problem
- Similar triangles with tree, person, and shadow situational word problem
- Simple Measuring Tools and Geometry Setup
- Sin(x) contained in an ±|x| envelope.
- Site Map
- Ski Slope Demonstrates Left-Skewed Data Distribution
- Sled Motion and Forces Illustration
- Sleipner CO₂ Injection Project and Geological Storage
- Slope Failure and Debris Slump on Oversteepened Roadcuts
- Slope field with solutions
- Soccer Participation by Age Group in 2009 Bar Graph
- Social Sciences Gallery
- Solar Panels on Rooftop with Sunlight Direction Illustration
- Solid and domain created from the intersection of a cylinder and plane
- Solid and domain created from the intersection of two paraboloids.
- Solid of rotation of area under a parabola
- Solid of rotation volume by disks of area under the curve.
- Solution graphs and shaded regions
- Sombrero surface with mesh, color and specular highlights.
- Space-Filling Model of Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)
- Space-Filling Model of ATP Molecule
- Space-Filling Models of Various Chemical Compounds
- Space-Filling Molecular Models of Diverse Chemical Compounds
- Spatial Visualization and Reasoning Test Worksheet
- Spherical coordinate components defined
- Stacked Books Extending Beyond a Table.
- Stacked Books Overhanging a Table
- Stages of human birth and placenta delivery
- Static Friction on an Inclined Plane: Maximum Angle Analysis
- Statistical distribution curve fitted to bar chart data
- Steinmetz solid created from the intersection of two cylinders
- Stopping distances of a compact car at different speeds
- Strategic Planning and Scheduling Illustration
- Structural Model of a Complex Organic Compound
- Structural Visualization of Hemoglobin with Alpha Helices
- Structure of a CD Surface: Pits and Lands
- Structure of the cell membrane with phospholipid bilayer, integral proteins, and glycoproteins
- Subduction Zone and Mountain Formation at Plate Boundaries
- Suboptimal Intertemporal Resource Allocation of Copper.
- Sunglasses with transparency as a function of UV index
- Surface contour curves of a saddle surface
- Symbolic Flatland understanding of the multi-dimensional
- Tangent line slope on a paraboloid.
- Temperature Changes Relative to 1901–1950 Mean with Volcanic Events
- Temperature Measurement Using an Air Column
- Terms and Conditions
- Terrestrial Carbon Cycle and Soil Decomposition
- The Effect of Force and Mass on Acceleration
- The Hydrological Cycle and Water Reservoirs
- The Rise of U.S. Economic Power (1870-1913)
- The Wartime Economic Boom: Female and Military Employment, 1940–1945
- Timeline of Key Inventions (1785–1810)
- Torque Analysis on a Wrench
- Torque Analysis on an Irregularly Shaped Object
- Translation Process: Ribosome and Polypeptide Chain Formation
- Trapezoid geometry problems
- Triangles with two dogs on the beach situational word problem
- Trigonometric unit circle expanded
- Trigonometry flagpole height situational word problem
- Two People Walking with Umbrellas in the Rain
- Understanding Slope and Velocity on Distance-Time Graphs
- Vector Addition for Navigation Between Airports
- Vector Forces Acting on a Skater
- Vector normal to the tangent plane of a 3D surface
- Vector tangent to a 3D surface path
- Velocity Vector Decomposition for Motion Analysis
- Velocity-Time Graph for Colliding Carts
- Venn diagram shading problems
- Vertical and horizontal slices on a 3D surface.
- Vertical Distribution of Life in Earth’s Biosphere
- View of Earth from Space with Sun in the Background
- Visualization of d and f Orbitals in Atomic Structure
- Visualizing 3D Surfaces and Their Intersections in Coordinate Geometry
- Visualizing Chemical Reactions Through Balanced Scales
- Viviani’s curve as the intersection of surfaces
- Volume Calculation by the Shell Method
- Volume of a storage tank situational word problem
- Volume under a surface comprised of Riemann boxes
- Volume under a surface with columns.
- Water Content from Snowfall in Various U.S. Cities Bar Graph
- Water Flow Through Constricted Pipe with Rate-Determining Step
- Wave Interference Patterns over Time
- World Map of Tectonic Plates and Earthquake Zones